Ask Mk

MKAquarius ✨
2 min readAug 25, 2022

Hi all my Mkaquarius Followers,

Starting September 1st, we will be starting something new called Ask Mk. It is an advice column where we will use the tarot and oracle as well as my spiritual, professional and personal opinions to give advice on different topics. If you have an issue you need to gain some clarity on you can email me your question and if it is chosen I will answer you back using different tarot spreads and cards. Your question and my response will be shared on my medium blog if chosen but you will remain anonymous.All readings are completely private and confidential. None of your personal information will be shared. I ask that you use an alias when writing about yourself in the letter. And in the subject line you can put your full name. I will email you the response when it is posted on my page.

These publications are for entertainment purposes only. Tarot reading does not predict the future but is based on the most probable outcome of events which is influenced by the current behavior and attitude of the querent and those around the querent.

Tarot isn’t evil or dangerous it is an expression of our subconscious wherein lies the answers or solutions to all our life issues. Information from our subconscious is relayed to us through imagery. The cards carry images that reflect aspects of our lives that we are all familiar with.

As a reader I will be offering my opinion and advice but I won’t interfere with the free will of the querent. Again I don’t give specific financial, legal, medical, or any other advice that I am not professional qualified to do so.

My readings are to inform, uplift and assist in your healing process. I will be honest with what I read because I am not giving any false hopes or empty promises.

If you would like to ask a question to Ask Mk you can send your submissions to If your letter is accepted you will be notified by email. Thank you and God Bless!



MKAquarius ✨

Empathy has given me insight into things that are hidden for most. It became my blessing instead of my curse.