July 2022 Pick A Card Predictions

MKAquarius ✨
30 min readJul 6, 2022

With our summer already kicking off super hot and super intense I figured we could use a glance at what’s ahead of us in July. “To be forewarned is to be forearmed” So if you are wanting to get a few steps ahead of the game and see what you need to prepare for, this spread will assist in getting a plan together to succeed in July. So when you're ready take three deep breaths, ground yourself and take a look at the picture below. Choose the group crystal that calls to you then click the appropriate link for your reading. If none of the stories resonate this time no worries, it is a collective reading it may not always be your energy I pick up on. And don’t forget this is entertainment purposes only.

There are four crystals in the photo below. Each crystal belongs to a group:

Group One- Lepidolite

Group Two- Opal Skull

Group Three-Ocean Jasper

Group Four-Amethyst Worry Stone

Each group has five card positions : (Below I will explain each positions meaning).

Position 1- Topic of the Month

This card will give you an overview of what the main topic of the month will be. This is the topic you should pay attention to and what you should focus your energies on.

Position 2- How the month will start

This card represents how you will be starting the month and what is going on in your life. This card is in the same line of view as card 5. (Card 5 is how the month will end). This will give you a comparison of how the month will begin and end.
Position 3-Challenge of the Month

This card is the main challenge you will have of the month. The challenge this card represents is tied to card 1, Topic of the Month.

Position 4- The Solution

This is the solution to the challenge. The previous card shows you the challenge you will face in this month that is about to start and this card offers you the solution to that challenge.

Position 5- How the month will end

This card is in the same line of view as card 2 (how the month will start), use this card to compare with how the month will begin and end.

Now that I have explained the card positions. I want you to clear your mind as best as possible. Take three deep breaths and then look at the photo and the crystal that sticks out most to you, will be your July prediction. When you have chosen your crystal click the link and take a look at your reading.

Group One: Lepidolite

  1. The Sun
  2. Judgement
  3. Four of Cups
  4. The Fool
  5. Five of Swords

Position One: Topic of the Month-The Sun

Optimism, success, joy, birth, happiness, health, inner child, energy, enthusiasm, enlightenment, greatness, illumination.

This will be an important month for you. Receiving a major arcana card in your reading right off bat says that July will be one of your breakthrough months. It will be full of laughter, healing, joy and illumination. The Sun card is one of the best cards in the deck. It is everything good. Success, joy, happiness, children. It’s a happy card.

The Sun card also represents emotional healing. It themes around issues of self worth and self esteem. How we see ourselves and our personal power. Your almost to the end of something. July is the month where hard work is going to pay off. You have planted the seeds and did the work. You have done some really good work. The Sun represents abundance and good luck. Openness and communication may be something that you should start practicing because that is something else the Sun card symbolizes. The Sun tarot card in the upright position shows positivity and fulfillment in your life. If you have been going through a hard time and the Sun falls in an upright position, things will quickly improve. Hard times don’t last forever. Remember life lessons are our learning tools.

There could be recognition for the goals you’ve accomplished.

Regardless of your present circumstances, the adversity will be overcome. Wholeness and harmony will prevail and there will be joy and happiness in your future. You have come through the hardships and will be blessed with new beginnings and freedom. Plan carefully for the future- obstacles can be easily overcome. Love and marriage will be very happy. The Sun is your freedom card. Renewal and a bright future are ahead of you. It also represents the truth, “ its light will always pull back the curtain of shadow that hides the worlds secrets.” You will see things with a whole new clarity.

Position Two: How the month will start

Judgment reflects your internal conflict about making a decision. The finality of this choice is apparent to you, even if it may seem small to other people. A major turning point in your life. The judgment card says you’ll start this month off making a major life decision that will have a lasting impact on your life. This decision will be made using intuition and logic. You’ve reached that turning point in your life where you have to make a choice and be accountable for the choices you’ve made in the past. You are being urged to connect to your intuition by trusting your connection to the Divine as well as your logic and reasoning skills. You will have to use all the lessons you’ve learned both failed and successful, to determine how to move forward to your true calling.

Receiving this card says a message of a spiritual awakening will be approaching during the beginning of the month. Everything that you have learned along the way will be in front of you. You should already practiced self forgiveness and let go of your past wounds. You are ready for the major change that is coming. The decision you come to will be final and absolute. You will not be playing at all. You are advised by this card to reflect upon all of your past decisions.

Position Three: Main challenge of July

Four of Cups:
Depression, missed opportunities, feeling stuck

The challenges you face this month is missing opportunities and feeling stuck. You could be losing motivation in your life. Feelings of not having enough or not being enough could come up. You will have to accept your current situation. That will be the way to become free of that stagnant energy around you. You have to work with what you have not against it. You are advised to avoid going into yourself and withdrawing. If you open your eyes you may be able to find the solution to your problem. If this is in regards to a relationship, you should stop looking at the negative things in your relationship and show gratitude for the good you two share. If you cannot move on from the past hurts you may need to walk away from this relationship for good. Its time to find a resolution or walk away.

The Four of Cups Tarot Card can represent missed opportunities, remorse or regret. It can also signify becoming self-absorbed because of depression, negativity or apathy. The Four of Cups can indicate that you are feeling bored with your life, you may be focusing on the negative. You may feel like you have lost your passion and motivation for life. You need to be mindful of the opportunities or offers available to you. You may be inclined to dismiss them as insignificant now but you could realize later that they would have led on to something great.

If you are having feelings of regrets, July is the month to let those feelings go. Focus on all the good that is going on around you. Start a gratitude journal, and twice a day write the things you are grateful for. This will help you stay in the present moment. Being self-absorbed, Being egoistic, Being unaware of others, Refusing gifts, blessings, Being apathetic, Lost or little interest, Lacking motivation, desire, Not giving out or sharing, Holding back, Acting passive-aggressive, Putting in little or no effort,

You may be having a hard time being grateful for what you already have, and you have chosen to focus on what you want next. The problem with this attitude is that you may be prone to losing even what you have. Choose a attitude of gratitude.

Position Four: The Solution- The Fool

Carefree*Foolish*Important decisions*New beginnings*Youth* Innocence* Free Spirit* Potential*

The Fool card represents taking a leap of faith, doing something solely based off your trust in the Divine. It also symbolizes new beginnings, journeys, an end to something old in your life, embarking on the unknown, acting on impulses, letting go of responsibilities and worries, having faith in the new beginnings, going with the flow, being detached, having the ability to leave the past behind. The solution to any challenges you have this month is for you to take that leap of faith. This could be in regards to travelling somewhere that you’ve never been before. You have to let go of any self-doubt or fears, and welcome in any fresh challenge. The key to success will be hard work, honestly and ethics. Be open to new experiences, be innocent and spontaneous, curious and playful. Trust in God and have faith that all will be good. Be inquisitive, don’t censure your thoughts, be open minded, approach any changes with optimism and care to gain the most positive outcome.

The Fool is someone who is called to go on a journey to gain wisdom, to go on a adventure, or to accomplish a big task. Purity, innocence, youth, clarity. Excited about your dreams, excited about the unknown, trusting fate. Try a different walk, talk to new people, try something you’ve never tried. Free yourself from worries and anxieties. Don’t let that hold you back. Now will be the time for personal growth. Get in touch with your inner child. A new cycle will be beginning for you or you may experience a rebirth or renewal of some sort. You may be heading into the unknown or striking out on a new path. In this situation the Fool card says you should be acting spontaneously. You need to follow your dreams and trust in your intuitive impulses and instincts no matter how unconventional they seem. Be original and detach yourself from any old out dated and stagnant aspects of your life. This card could also suggest a message of spiritual enlightenment and exploration.

Card Position Five: Outcome- Five of Swords

Conflict, defeat, arguments, change, self sabotaging behaviour, underhanded behavior, deception, lack of communication, aggression, bullying, intimidation, abuse, violence, crime, fighting back.

This card isn’t a good omen because it represents defeat and walking away. It comes with a warning. It signifies hostility, aggression and intimidation. Situations we would hope to never go through are attached to this card.

Expect some kind of falling out or disagreement. It may be upsetting and cause resentment over what was said. Be careful with this because usually you will end up saying something you will later want to take back. Pick your battles wisely. It isn’t important to try and prove who is right and who is wrong. You will have a more peaceful position if you lead with more peaceful existence. This card points to failure. It shows that all though you used your best efforts you are likely to lose or be beaten.

Unexpected change and uneasy energy can be signaled by this card. The conflict and disputes you have with others will be coming to a head. As it escalates you have the opportunity to take action. You can feel as if everyone is against you and you may lose friends along the way. Timely decisions will need to be made. Keep your arguments straight forward.
Be alert for bullying in the work place. You or another may be bullied in the workplace. The situation needs to be handled professionally. Don’t be afraid to get management involved if needed.

Money matters and family disputes are conflicts you will be facing. Do what is required to come to a peaceful resolution.

Group Two: Opal Skull

1. Two of Pentacles 2. Ace of Pentacles 3. Eight of Pentacles 4. Justice 5. King of Wands

Card One: Topic of the month- Two of Pentacles

Multiple priorities, time management, prioritisation.

The topic of the month will be about juggling your priorities, roles and responsibilities. You may be a working parent, a general manager of a business, an administrative assistant in a busy office, or someone who works multiple jobs. You will be doing an excellent job in balancing all your priorities. You can handle anything thrown your way. Be sure to manage your energy, time and resources carefully, so you don’t lose balance. You will have a big workload and need to make sure you stay focused and productive this month. This card calls your awareness to the concept of balance and those parts of your life where you have it (and those where you don’t). But it can be a warning that trying to juggle too many things at once and not prioritising what is important can lead to failure and exhaustion. Time management will be your best friend this month. It’ll help you in prioritizing and keep you for being overwhelmed.
evaluate where you are putting your energy and cut back on what isn't necessary in order to maintain a balanced and happy life.
Balance, trying to find balance, resourcefulness, ups and downs, adaptability, flexibility, juggling life, juggling money, balancing books, transferring money, profit and loss, income and outgoings, financial decisions, financial stress, partnerships.

Card Two: How the month will start out- Ace Of Pentacles

Abundance, potential for prosperity, a new job, a promotion, an opportunity for increased wealth, manifestation of dreams.
This is going to be a great start to your month. Promotion, raise, inheritance or a windfall of money. You will have to put in the work but it will all be worth it. This Ace also provides an opportunity to focus on your health as part of your overall well-being.
Financial new beginning, new financial opportunities, new job, new business, money, investments, savings, prosperity, security, stability, abundance, manifestation
It signifies starting something new that will be very good for you.
Expect abundance in all aspects of your life as well as security and stability. You’re at the point of your life where it’s time to manifest your desires. You’re going to be motivated and ready for any challenge that comes your way.
In relationship terms you could be starting a new relationship that will bring plenty of abundance, security and stability. It will be like a breath of fresh air. It will be lasting and practical. Your significant other will be loyal and generous to you. If already in a relationship these are the qualities your relationship will take on. Ace of Pentacles means life is good in the material sense. You are not wanting for more possessions. Things are going to go well for the foreseeable near future. Don’t panic or worry if anything bad has just happened, treat it as a learning experience. You should be looking to where you can help others, as at the moment, you’re entering a high point of your life.

Card Three : Challenge- Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles represents mastery, being the master of your craft.The Eight of Pentacles tarot is the card of education and apprenticeship, of skill and progress, of innovation and leadership. It symbolizes commitment to a vision and attention to detail. It also represents invention and creativity. Focusing all your attention on the task at hand. completely focused on something . Being in the challenge position says, You could be
uninspired and unmotivated this month or you may be working so hard that you have lost sight of what is truly important in life. The Eight of Pentacles highlights the negative aspects of dedication and work. You are unfocused and perform sloppy work may be another challenge you could face. Do not cut corners, it’ll only work in the short term but could be devastating for the long term. Watch out for poor work ethic, and under handed behavior. Lack of Commitment, Lack of Success, Disinterest, Poor Quality, Boring Work, Repetitive Work, No Effort, Half-Hearted Effort, Failure, Weakness, Unproductive, Unremarkable, Mediocre, Setting Sights Low, Shoddy Work, Rushed Job, Botched Job, Careless, Rough, No Finesse, Cheap, Rogue Builders, Bad Reputation, Lack of Ambition, No Qualifications, Under Qualified, Unprofessional, Uninspiring, No Work, Job Loss, Poorly Trained, Financial Weakness, Recessions, Neglect of Health, Lack of Respect, Mean-Spirited, Workaholic, Materialistic, Money Mad, All Work and No Play, Getting Nowhere in your Career, Exam Failure, Lack of Concentration/Focus, Impatience, Over-Stretched, Taking on Too Much, Taking Short Cuts, Taking Risks, Get Rich Quick Schemes, Scams, Laziness, Idleness, Care Less Attitude, Debts, Overspending.

Card 4:The Solution- Justice

Justice, karma, consequence, accountability, law, truth, honesty, integrity, cause and effect.

The Justice card is about The Laws of Karma applying right now. You are reaping exactly that which you sewed. The scales are balanced and the situation has turned out just as it should be. You must take full responsibility for where you are now, for all your preceding actions, thoughts, ideas and deeds have brought you to where you are now. If your honest with yourself you will accept this and address the situation or make amends.If you have been working very hard towards a goal then the Justice card will indicate that your hard work is about to pay off .
It is a time for you to sit down and think about your lot and what you have said and done. Be honest with yourself first and then be honest with those around you. It is time for you to account for your actions. As Justice is strongly associated with Courts and Law, legalities of all kinds may be indicated. You may be signing contracts or documents, signing on a house, business or even a marriage contract. A settlement may be made in your favour. Court cases, lawsuits or investigations may be ongoing. However, when Justice is Upright she generally suggests that Legal proceedings should go in your favour once you are honest and upfront.

Card 5: The End of the Month- King of Wands

The meaning of the King of Wands Tarot card is that it symbolizes an individual who has accomplished something in their hobbies or interests. The upright King of Wands represents bold energy, new ideas, and goal-oriented actions. Success is on the horizon. The King of Wands can represent you or an important man in your life. Sometimes, the cards suggest that you take o n the qualities of the King of Wands. The King of Wands represents pure passion. Consumed with the pursuit of the things they want. Not only do they have the drive but also the know-how to achieve their desires. The King of Wands often represents men who are in authority. He is also knowledgeable and well educated, even if self-taught. Business oriented, great inventors, with great ideas who likes to take charge.
The King of Wands is certain of his convictions and will argue his case to the end. The King of Wands represents unbridled optimism, risk-taking, and benevolence. It urges you to set out and accomplish your goals by putting your leadership skills to good use.
The King of Wands appear in this position of your Tarot spread when you will meet a King of Wands character in the future. This person is going to be very accomplished King of Wands-symbolizes an individual who has accomplished some of their hobbies or interests. The upright King of Wands represents bold energy, new ideas, and goal-oriented actions. It tells of success being on the horizon.
The King of Wands can represent you or an important man in your life. Sometimes, the cards suggest that you take on the qualities of the King of Wands. The King of Wands represents pure passion. Consumed with the pursuit of the things they want. Not only do they have the drive but also the know-how to achieve their desires. The King of Wands often represents men who are in authority. He is also knowledgeable and well educated, even if self-taught. Business oriented, great inventors, with great ideas who likes to take charge.
The King of Wands is certain of his convictions and will argue his case to the end. The King of Wands represents unbridled optimism, risk-taking, and benevolence. It urges you to set out and accomplish your goals by putting your leadership skills to good use.
The King of Wands appear in this position of your Tarot spread when you will meet a King of Wands character in the future. This person is going to be very accomplished in their hobbies. it can mean that your partner will grow to embody the qualities of the King of Wands in the future. Alternatively, you will meet someone new who already has these traits.

Group Three:Ocean Jasper

1. Six of wands 2. Queen of Wands 3.Ten of Cups 4. Knight of Swords 5. Ten of Wands

Position One: Theme of July- Six of Wands

The Six of Wands is triumphant and celebratory. This card represents success, leadership, and public admiration. The Six of Wands symbolizes success, victory, and public adulation. You have worked hard to attain your goals, and those efforts are now being recognized. It is a strong indicator that a promotion is in the works, It can also mean that you will receive recognition and acclaim for a project you’ve recently completed. this is the time for you to set big goals for your future. Allow yourself to dream big, but be sure to write your goals down and prepare a plan. There is no obstacle that you cannot overcome and you will regret it if you don’t take the leap this month. You’ve done something great and it’s time for you to be recognized for it. The Six of Wands also encourages you not to let fear or misplaced feelings of guilt stand in the way of your success.
Sometimes, the Six of Wands card announces good news from official or government sources. So be on the lookout for mail. Your goals reached; a breakthrough; feeling the adrenaline of winning; feeling exalted; culmination of your effort; feeling inspired to continue; recognition; loving the limelight; success after strife; difficulties overcome. If you are prepared to put in the effort then you shall be rewarded well. There is no need to battle anymore and it is time to start building for the future.
This can relate to battles of all kinds — legal, personal, party political . Yes, Success, Victory, Triumph, Achievement, Awards, Winning, A Big Win, Riding High, Top of Your Game, Best of the Best, Power, Having the Upper-Hand, Leadership, Stability, Strength, Enthusiasm, Go-Getter, Acknowledgments, Accolades, Praise, Acclaim, Fame, Celebrity, VIP, Recognition, Taking Centre Stage, Being in the Spotlight/Limelight, Promotion, Presentations, Leading the Way, Supporters, Fans, Crowd, Rally, Goodwill, Compliments, Cheers, Applause, Sharing Success, Fairness, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Pride, Trouble-Free, Vindication, Good News, Politician, Pr, Campaigns, Sales.

Position Two: The beginning of the Month-Queen of Wands

Energetic, vivacious, strong, courageous, passionate, funny, independent, confident, optimistic, outgoing, assertive, sexy, chaotic, hot tempered, forgetful, efficient, accomplishing many tasks, efficiency, motherhood, fertility, a lot of balls in the air, helping others, organizing your life, taking charge .
The Queen of Wands indicates that you will be optimistic, outgoing and full of energy. You will be accomplishing many tasks .
This card represents taking charge of things and organizing your life. independent, confident, optimistic, outgoing and assertive . Take Charge of the Situation, Be Determined, Be Independent, Have faith and belief in yourself, You can do this, Fight for what is Right, Be Assertive and stand up for yourself, Be open and sincere, Feel passionate about something, Go for it, Set goals for yourself, Get enthusiastic about something, Be creative, Make a powerful first impression, Stand Tall and Proud, You are beautiful, Feel good about yourself, Exercise and get active, Be Out-going, Be optimistic about the situation, Don’t let life get you down, Cheer-up, Try to look on the bright side, Be encouraging to those around you, Help where you can, Get Involved, Fight for a worthy cause, Don’t hold back, Know your strengths and use them, Be a Leader, Organise your life, Start something new, Be a bit more adventurous, Be brave and bold, Be fearless in the face of opposition or competition, Trust your feelings on this one.

Position Three: Challenge- The Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups is all about emotions, happiness and being positive. It speaks of a joyous family life and a healthy alignment with your true nature.
it can indicate that you feel trapped in a relationship and may want a divorce or separation. It can also indicate that you are caught up in the emotional Pisces world of dreams and fantasies of the fairy tale marriage and family that you aren’t seeing the reality of the situation.you need to examine the root of the situation and find out if you are really happy where you are or if you are just caught up in the illusion of what you think the perfect relationship should look like. Broken bonds,may find distance with those that are closest with you, in either your romantic or professional lives, or you may be struggling financially.

The love meaning can indicate clashes or tension in romance or family. There may be external factors that are causing fights or tension in the relationship, like family members believing that you are not meant to be together
This is in general, disharmony. The happiness promised, and so desperately desired, is being blocked, or is inaccessible at the moment. Miscommunication or misunderstandings between members leading to problems, arguments, hurt feelings, feeling manipulated or used, treated unfairly, false promises, or just empty promises that fall through. It could be one person is barely ever home, putting more of their time and energy into other outlets or people not really focusing on family or home. There could be fighting, tension, or people not considering others. Maybe there has been a lot of stress or tension and the members of your family aren't handling these things well and are taking frustrations out on each other, instead of coming together as a team and facing the issue to be dealt with together. Another facet of this card is the concept of self-love. It is almost impossible to love another when we don’t truly love ourselves, but this is something that many people not really focusing on family or home. There could be fighting, tension, or people not considering others. Maybe there has been a lot of stress or tension and the members of your family arent handling these things well and are taking frustrations out on each other, instead of coming together as a team and facing the issue to be dealt with together. Another facet of this card is the concept of self-love. It is almost impossible to love another when we don’t truly love ourselves, but this is something that many people attempt to do every day.

Position Four: The Solution- Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords displays courage in action. Nothing will stop him. He represents an intelligent, young individual who is ready to speak his mind and pursue his dreams without empty hopes or fear of failure. The Knight of Swords rushes into battle with his sword held high. He will fight for what is right and do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He is a messenger of truth and freedom, the freedom to do what you will. The card speaks of values like honor, dignity, reason, and determination. Go in with all your might. The situation requires a show of force. Be aggressive but nimble
This is not a time for reflection — it’s a time for action.
Defend your point of view. Lead with your truth and fight for what’s right. Confront a person or situation if something feels or untrue. do not give up. Remain focused your goal and carry on. The Knight of Swords advises you to cut old ties and create new paths. You must do this quickly. There isn’t any time to delay. You may need to pull an all-nighter and stay up getting everything done as efficiently and quickly as possible.
Big changes/ opportunities, seize the moment, jump in, arrival/departure, assertive, direct, honest, quick-wit, talkative, impatient, impulsive, intellectual, daring, rebellious, brave, courageous, focused, single-minded, perfectionist, ambitious, risk-taker, forward-thinking, champion, hero, soldier, go against the flow, leader. Prepare for Battle,

Fight for What you Want, Stand Up for Your Rights, Stay ahead of The Posse, You will need to put your Fears Aside and be brave, Time to Jump in or Jump Out of this Situation, Stop Thinking about What you are going to Do and Just Do it, Go For it, Don’t be side-tracked by Others, Fly in the Face of Convention, Keep Focussed and do not Waver, Find a Logical Solution to your Problem, Overcome any Obstacle that Stands in your Way, Be sure of What you Want before you make your Move, Quick actions or Decisions Need to be Made, Strike While the Iron is Hot, Actions have Consequences, Be aware of Making a Hasty or Impulsive Move, Get out and Away as Fast as You Can, Put as Much Distance between You and this Situation, You may Have to Act Alone in this Instance, Speak Up, Express Your Opinions, Get Straight to the Point, Make Sure you Know what you are Talking About, If you have Something to Say, Say it but be Respectful of Other People’s Feelings, Cut to the Chase and Call a Spade a Spade, Don’t let your Mouth Run away on You, Think Before You Speak, Don’t engage in Idle Gossip, At Dinner Parties or Social Gatherings don’t let a Casual Discussion turn into a Heated Debate. Listen to what Others’ have to Say, Respect the Opinions of Others, Don’t be so eager to get involved in Arguments, Why are you Always Stirring Things Up, Stop Looking for Trouble, Come Down off Your High Horse, Don’t let Pride make you Do Something you will Regret, Don’t alienate those Around You, Analyse All the Facts, Seek The Truth, Seek Expert Help or Advice, Be Honest in all your Dealings, Stay on The Right Side of The Law, Maintain High Standards and Principles, Expose Corruption, Champion a Good Cause, Fight for the Rights of Others (especially those who cannot speak for themselves), Be a Hero, Education is Important, Pay attention and Look Where you are Going, Drive carefully and don’t be in such a Hurry all the time, You are Heading Into Trouble, You are Courting Disaster, Get Out While you Still Can, Don’t leave Everything to the Last Moment, Slow Down, Is it Time to Leave?

Card 5: End of Month Outcome -Ten of Wands

The Ten Of Wands suggests that you will be under immense pressure and find life to be a huge struggle. You will be very busy with not a moment to catch your breath or take stock of what you are about. You will seem to have a lot to deal with and will be under a lot of stress.
It suggest that you are shouldering many burdens. You may feel overloaded with commitments, obligations, duties and responsibilities. And will be pushing yourself too hard. Overloaded Stress, Duty,Struggle,Lost focus,Hard ,work, Burdens,Absence of fun,Obligation, Exhaustion
The 10 of Wands is a card that resembles a burden and expresses a huge deal of responsibility. It represents the struggle that you have endured. The end of hard times is near, but this does not mean that your path is going to be any easier. This card symbolizes how you are carrying the burden all by yourself. You need to learn how to rely on others. It is ok to admit you are overwhelmed and can use some assistance. There isn’t any reason why you should feel like everything rest solely on you. That alone is a lot to carry. I have found myself in that predicament one too many times. Wanting to make everyone else's load a little lighter and making mine way over full. Somewhere along the line you took on more than you could chew and it is time to drop some of those burdens and accept the helping hand. You will see just how much more enjoyable things can be when it doesn’t feel like the weight of the world rest on your shoulders.

Group Four: Amethyst Worry Stone

1. Temperance 2. Page of Wands 3. Queen of Pentacles 4.Nine of Wands 5. Five of Cups

Card One: Theme of The Month-Temperance

Balance, peace, patience, moderation, inner calm, perspective, tranquillity, harmonious relationships, soulmates. It reflects that you have found peace with what you are doing and everything is unfolding as it should.
Flow — Harmony
In moments where there is anxiety or great stress, you will be able to remain calm throughout it. You are a person who has mastered the art of not letting things get to you, and this allows you to achieve progress in all areas you seek out to explore. The Temperance tarot card suggests moderation and balance, with a lot of patience. Avoid any extremes this month. Clear vision will be needed this month you need to know exactly what it is you want to achieve. Peace should be found in whatever it is you’re doing everything unfolding as it should. Being able to adapt to situations with ease and calmness will put you ahead of the game. Working in harmony with your community, coworkers or family members. Your calmness in all matters gives them comfort and puts them at ease. You must avoid going to extremes this month and to be cautious and thoughtful of your actions. Your relationship or potential relationships may require some patience right now, attempt to work together to find compromise and harmony. Temperance may also indicate a time to evaluate and re-examine the priorities you have chosen. This will help you create a balance between your outer and inner self.
healing, renewal, balance, blend, moderation.
This card demonstrates the ability to limit and control yourself.
Find the harmony;
Express the control;
Avoid exceeding limits;
Lighten up the difficult situation;
Search for meaning;
Achieve compromise;
Offset the overplus.
Modulation, careful, tolerant, neutral, balance point, sense of choice at the right time, equal, no prejudice, compromise, movement from the spirit to the material, mix and match, effective combination, mix reasonably, arts creativity, compatibility, calm ability, combination of a variety of strength, equilibrium calm, peaceful. Morality, harmonious balance, combination, patience, forgive, accommodation, adaptation, management wise, saving, mercy, expressing balance sex, rationality, compassion, friendship, co-operate, reconcile, comely, purify the soul, a male and female’s marriage, harmony between races, time to heal all wounds, everything is in moderation, be calm, pay close attention to what you are doing, nothing is too much, we are all children of God, do not be concerned about race, skin color, or belief.

Card Two: Beginning of Month-Page of Wands

Creation, Enthusiasm, Confident, Brave.

Make a new method; Original;
Find a new field to express yourself;
Use your artistic ability;
Discover a solution;
Go in the new direction
Take part in wholeheartedly;
First volunteer;

An important and exciting message, courage, daring, recklessness, optimism, leadership, initiative, extrovert, keep strong attraction, do something energetic, full of energy and determined, enthusiastic, competitive, self-motivated, resourcefulness, creative potential, inspiration, loyalty/fidelity, encouragement.
State of excitement, fast response, passion, unexpected events, new ideas, time to start a project or a job related to creation, the message of the hired job, message from a friend or relative, a letter or important call, opportunity for new development, career change, new work, creative writing, stirring up creativity, a message that brings cheerful news, physical exercise, good sex life, spread the news, this can be the start of something big.

The Page of Wands says what you have started doing before is progressing to success. It can also indicate a need for something new, such as a venture, a new solution or a new idea. This card says you need to be positive and spontaneous, but not too impulsive. Your enthusiasm impresses other people, but be careful of impatient or angry energy. It’s also often associated with change and creativity.
Typically, this is a messenger that gives you inspiration or news of surprise. Extremely good news or new opportunities are coming. It could be the birth of a child, a new idea or inspiration, or an opportunity in which you can participate and change the world, like a community project.

Card Three: The Challenge-Queen of Pentacle

Nurturing, Caring,Independent,Organised,Welcoming,Prosperous,Warm, Friendly, Sensible, Mature, Financially well off, Shallow,Unhealthy,Disloyal,Cold,Possessive,Jealous,Controlling,disorganized manipulation.

When the Queen of Pentacles appears in a negative, weakness, or obstacle position, this means that you can spend a lot of money on non-essentials. You feel pressured to keep up with the Joneses. You could be competing with your peers social status, wealth and possessions.
Sometimes, the Queen of Pentacles can pop up as an obstacle when you are being too conservative. Be careful not to judge people because of their different lifestyle choices. That attitude will limit your experiences with people. In this position this card speaks of loss of balance, someone who isn’t able to maintain the equilibrium between their home and their professional life. Or someone who is excessively concerned about their social standing. You are completely disconnected from the warm, generous energy of the upright Queen of Pentacles because you are so obsessed with yourself and your social life. This may come through as being too self-absorbed and selfish. You are no longer in sync with your inner self, causing a stronger attachment to materialistic things.

Card Four: Solution -Nine of Wands

Watch your back. A situation that you’re not anticipating may derail your progress.
Before moving on, you must complete what you’ve started. There are loose ends that still need to be taken care of. The Nine of Wands can warn of an old wound that needs to be healed. What do you need to do to gain closure so that you can move on with confidence? Heal the old so that you can welcome the new.

Defend yourself, Awareness of weak will,Think about the worst,Well prepared,Paranoid,Feel wary and cautious, protect others, do something to the end,Keep resolving, Try again, continue despite weakness,maintain, Summon the hidden options, Fight with the spirit, Express physical strength. Fight for yourself, activate someone’s defense, strengthen, protect yourself, protect old wounds, fight back and attack, guard, territorial integrity, must be overcome the final challenge, alert, precautionary attitude, physical strength, ability to recover from illness, healthy immune system, disease or infectious diseases, available conflict.

The protection of individual rights, the position that can not be denied, the final resistance, another problem to overcome before the victory, the inner strength, the determination, the durability, the necessary delay, the final belt, be careful, things will not end until they are really over; if you do not succeed at first, try and try again; let the things happen, do not try to fix the unbroken things, do not change the horse in the middle of the road.
The Nine of Wands implies the need to fight for yourself. You have been hurt in the past and so now you are already in the defensive. You feel the need to fight for your rights, to protect your credibility or decision. Although the situation may seem bad, you are more than capable to handle it. Once you have overcome the last challenge, it means you are on the way to success, so do not give up! You need to stay alert and hold on to your beliefs. You have the hidden power to cope with any difficulties. This is not the time to make big changes in your position. You will continue to be opposed by hidden enemies and your benefits will be shaken. Even when facing the adversity, when you’re too tired and hurt, you must be patient and cautious. You can be sure that eventually things will prosper if you maintain your hard work. If you do not succeed the first time, try and try again.

Card Five: The End Outcome-Five of Cups

Disbelief, Sorrow, Anger, Withdrawal, Shutting Down, Slow acceptance,Shock ,Sorrow, Anger, Withdrawal, Shutting Down, Slow acceptance.

Intense dark emotions will be expected. Life will have turned upside down for you and the carpet literally ripped from under your feet. You may feel inconsolable, and caught up in a tidal wave of emotion and not see any hope for the future. Something of big emotional value will have been lost, taken or let go of against your wants or wishes. Feeling defeated your outlook on life is shattered and you’re going to have trouble seeing the positives in the matter. This all may cause you to go inward as an attempt to make it all make sense. No one will be able to reach you while you reside in this cloud of sadness and loss. This is a natural process in the stages of grief. I know you will want to get through this pain as quickly as possible, I have to warn you against rushing through it. You’ll risk the chance of internalizing the pain causing chronic emotional, mental and physical issues in the future. Life won’t be over for you although it’ll feel like it. There are blessings around the corner for you. There’s still two cups standing behind you, that you won’t see until the tears and grief resolve. This could be friends, family or hidden potential you aren’t aware of just yet. The Five of Cups also brings remorse, guilt and self-blame. You could wish you could turn back time and do things different. Maybe you could’ve kept your mouth shut and not have said that thing you said, or if you hadn’t have done that “awful” thing you did, you wouldn’t feel so much sorrow as you do now. But you can’t go back and change anything. What’s done is done. It hurts like hell and you feel even worse but all you can do now is continue forward forgiving yourself and learn from your mistakes.
These emotions come as a result of the loss of something important to you. This might be the death of a loved one or the end of a special relationship.
When this card appears it indicates that you are focusing on the negative. This may be the result of some sort of trauma or unwelcome change you have suffered. this card can signify heartbreak, divorce or separation. The Five of Cups also tends to appear if you have suffered a recent bereavement as it represents mourning and grief. It is a card of emotional baggage and instability and can signify that you feel deep remorse, regret, anger, sorrow or disappointment. Impermanence, Unhappy Change, Loss, Grief, Trauma, Bereft, Despair, Mourning, Sadness, Deep Sorrow, Heart Broken, Inconsolable, Broken Spirit, Unstable, Painful Time, Remorse, Regret, Shame, Guilt, Self-Blame, Emotional Baggage, Wallowing, Withdrawn, Focusing on Past, Focusing on Loss, Defeat, Deflated, Separation, Divorce, Goodbyes, Abandonment, Losing Out, Loneliness, Isolation, Alienation, Exile, Readjustment, All not Lost, Support, Deep Anger, Deep Disappointment, Strong Emotions, What Ifs, If Onlys, Crying Over Spilt Milk, Inheritance, Legacy. Intense dark emotions will be expected. Life will have turned upside down for you and the carpet literally ripped from under your feet. You may feel inconsolable, and caught up in a tidal wave of emotion and not see any hope for the future. Something of big emotional value will have been lost, taken or let go of against your wants or wishes. Feeling defeated your outlook on life is shattered and you’re going to have trouble seeing the positives in the matter. This all may cause you to go inward as an attempt to make it all make sense. No one will be able to reach you while you reside in this cloud of sadness and loss. This is a natural process in the stages of grief. I know you will want to get through this pain as quickly as possible, I have to warn you against rushing through it. You’ll risk the chance of internalizing the pain causing chronic emotional, mental and physical issues in the future. Life won’t be over for you although it’ll feel like it. There are blessings around the corner for you. There’s still two cups standing behind you, that you won’t see until the tears and grief resolve. This could be friends, family or hidden potential you aren’t aware of just yet. The Five of Cups also brings remorse, guilt and self-blame. You could wish you could turn back time and do things different. Maybe you could’ve kept your mouth shut and not have said that thing you said, or if you hadn’t have done that “awful” thing you did, you wouldn’t feel so much sorrow as you do now. But you can’t go back and change anything. What’s done is done. It hurts like hell and you feel even worse but all you can do now is continue forward forgiving yourself and learn from your mistakes.



MKAquarius ✨

Empathy has given me insight into things that are hidden for most. It became my blessing instead of my curse.